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Watermelon Season is HERE!

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Watermelon Season is HERE!
Watermelon Season is HERE!

HELLLOOOOO SUMMER!   Memorial Day has come and gone, school is out and the heat index is over 90 degrees. 

It is officially WATERMELON SEASON and life is sweet in the south!

Few foods represent summer better than watermelon.  That beautiful, bright red and green fruit is depicted in almost every summertime event. Picnics, beach trips, lake days, family reunions and July 4th activities…watermelon has the center stage. 

At our house, we do not save watermelon for a special event.  We eat it every day at every meal and every snack.

There is no secret that watermelon is my absolute favorite fruit in the world.  My husband has the advantage of my birthday being two days after Valentines.  He can consistently forget that February 14th is an obligatory “I Love My Wife Declaration Day” national holiday, then double-down for my birthday gift as compensation.  That’s when I get my first watermelon of the year. 

While most couple exchange chocolates and flowers for Valentines, my husband goes straight to my heart and gives me a whole watermelon.  

Of course a watermelon in February pales in comparison (literally and figuratively) to the sweet flavor, aroma and brilliant red color of the July watermelon, however, after months of “watermelon sobriety”, that first bite is a true delicacy!

As a Watermelon Connoisseur, I have discovered several tricks to make the most out of the season. 

#1. Yellow Field Spot

There is nothing more disappointing than to get home to cut your watermelon and it is “bad”-mushy or airy insides. Although it can be difficult to know how ripe the interior is just by inspecting the outside, there are several clever tricks you can use to pick out the best watermelon possible.  When picking out a watermelon, look for one with a yellow, distressed side.  This is often called the “field spot”.   This spot is where the melon has sat in the field and has ripened in the sun.  The more yellow and dull it is in appearance, the chances are, the more ripe and sweet the melon will be.

#2.  Dark and dull

Contrary to what you may think, pretty is not always better.  You need to look for melons with a dark green exterior and avoid shiny melons. That usually means they’re not ripe. The longer the melon sits in the sun, the more dull it becomes.

#3.  Heavy for its size

Additionally, and just as important, pick the watermelon that is heaviest for its size.  The heavier weight means there is more water in the melon.  This rings true for most fruits and vegetables. Large or small, round or oval, pick up (carefully) several melons to compare.  You may feel silly picking up and putting down several melons, but this is a great technique to ensure you pick out the perfect melon. 

I have humbled myself over the years as I have practically fallen into watermelon crates bending into the bins trying to pick up and find the perfect melon.


#BONUS. Farmers Market or Road side stand

Most summer watermelons are good. But I have discovered the best watermelons are not found at the grocery store, but at Local Farmers Markets.  Better yet, the very best ones are found on the back of an old pickup truck on the side of the road.  This is a good reason to keep a couple of dollars of cash tucked somewhere in your car.  There is nothing more flavorful than a warm watermelon, fresh from the the heat of the summer sun.




Over the years, I have mastered my technique of cutting a watermelon. I don’t mean to brag, but I am simply THE BEST WATERMELON CUTTER I know!  I know this because people always compliment my watermelon display asking, “How do you get each piece so perfect?”.  One of my true talents, is my ability to cut a watermelon in record time in perfectly cut beautiful triangular pieces. With this special technique every piece has a tip of the sweetest most succulent piece of the center aka the “heart”.


Because a whole watermelon can take up so much space in your refrigerator, I have found the perfect way to store it is in a tall Tupperware cereal container. While I do love a fresh-off-the-truck warm melon, it is equally delicious eaten ice cold.

Watermelon is a cool, healthy treat to combat the heat of the summer.  Take advantage of this delicacy and indulge.  They are only “good” for a few short months.  ENJOY!


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My mission is to inspire others and motivate myself through stories, recipes, pictures and humor.

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