Friendsgiving Feast 2017
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Santa is Real

Santa is Real
Santa is Real

This time last year, I was forced to have the “Santa Talk” with my middle son.  It was a discussion that I had always dreaded because my feelings about it were so mixed.  You see, my older children interpreted the Santa truth differently.  When my daughter was told by a friend, she was disappointed and sad. When my son found out the deal, he was mad. He was upset and confused as to why the whole country was agreeing to this conspiracy to “lie to little children”.  Wow, a poignant point that I had never considered!  Because of those two distinct reactions,  I was nervous for my other children’s feelings.  And selfishly, I wanted our fun, innocent Christmas traditions to stay in tact. 

Getting closer to Christmas, I knew I needed to preserve the magic of Santa before someone blew the whistle.  I didn’t quite know how to put it into words without breaking his heart and making the world look like a bunch of liars. I turned to the internet and read several letters from other moms in the same position.  After a while, it became clear how I felt and what I wanted to say.

Using some verbiage from my readings, I decided to write a letter of my own. Luckily, his response was positive and full of hope. It was such a sweet moment for the two of us. I only wish I had the wisdom, words and timing to do the same for my older children.

The following note is the letter I gave my son.  Maybe this will help you sort out your feelings about Santa too.


My sweet boy,

You have asked about Santa several times this year.  “Is Santa real or do you and Dad give us all the toys?”.  I have had a hard time trying to answer your question.  I want you to keep the joy and excitement that you have always had with Christmas.  However, the time has come for you to know the truth.

The answer is, yes.  Yes, Santa does exist, just not the way you have always believed.  I am not Santa and there is no one single Santa either.  Santa is lots of people who keep the spirit of Christmas alive.  He doesn’t live in the North Pole but he lives in our hearts.  Santa is the magic, love and spirit of giving to others.  What Santa does is powerful.  The reason why it’s important for children to believe in Santa is because he teaches us to believe in things we can’t see or touch.  Throughout your life you will need this capacity to believe in yourself, in your family and more importantly, you will need to believe in love and in God. 

I am the person who has read your letters to Santa, picked your presents, wrapped them with love and placed them under the tree every Christmas Eve.  I did this just like my mom and dad did for me.  One day, you will to the same for your kids.  Words can’t even describe the amount of joy and love I felt seeing your face light up when you walked down the stairs and saw your gifts! 

I know this may make you a little sad to lose some of the magic (and it makes me sad too).  However, you now know a different secret.  I hope you never forget that Santa represents Jesus with his love and spirit of giving to others. 

I do ask  that you keep Santa alive for your little brother and to all the other little children who are still excited about the idea of Santa. 

I love you very much and I hope you will have a wonderful Christmas knowing how much your Daddy and I love you and enjoy sharing in your happiness.  We are so very very proud of you. 



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My mission is to inspire others and motivate myself through stories, recipes, pictures and humor.

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