Roasted Turkey
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Friendsgiving Feast 2017

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Friendsgiving Feast 2017

  • Friendsgiving Feast 2017
  • Friendsgiving Feast 2017
  • Friendsgiving Feast 2017
  • Friendsgiving Feast 2017
  • Friendsgiving Feast 2017
  • Friendsgiving Feast 2017
  • Friendsgiving Feast 2017

Food is the universal language of celebration. Throughout the decades and all over the world, food is associated with bringing people together.  Through events like weddings, birthdays, baptisms, sporting events and holidays, food is always significant part of the celebration.  To celebrate the beginning of my new blogging adventure, I thought it would only be fitting to host a luncheon with my favorite foods and some of my favorite people.

“It’s the friends we meet along the way that help us appreciate the journey.”

While I am naturally in love and devoted to my family.  I consider my friends to be one of the best things about me.  I have always been blessed with amazing women in my life.  And now is no exception.  My friends provide the encouragement and humor that I need on a daily basis as I go through this adventure called life.

With the Fall season in full swing, I decided to host a “Friendsgiving Feast” at my friend Kara’s beautiful home.  The traditional Thanksgiving meal is by far my favorite meal of the year.  To me, it is the ultimate comfort food.  There is something very comforting about the smell, sight and even the thought of roasted turkey and dressing smothered in gravy.  Thanksgiving dinner is the only time of the year when it is socially acceptable, and expected, to pile your plate with as much food as you can without it falling off.  Who better to pig out and over-indulge with than your girlfriends?

My beautiful friend Kara (Left) opened her home for our Friendsgiving Feast.

This lunch was such a treat for us all.  And surprisingly,  the whole event came together fairly easy.  Because I still have other responsibilities and time commitments, I broke up “the work” into 2 days.  Two days before our lunch, I went shopping for food and my tablescape decor.  The day before, I started prepping and partially cooking my side dishes.  I also delivered my decorations to Kara’s house.  On the morning of my lunch, I began cooking the turkey and gravy.  When the turkey was close to being done, I  simply reheated all my side dishes that I had prepared the day before. While everything was cooking, I decorated and set my tables.  My sweet and talented friend, Heidi (The Pink Peach), came a little early to take some pictures before sitting down to join us for lunch.  Although the day called for rain, we were lucky enough to enjoy the views of the lake from her back porch before the rain set in.

“What a great compliment when my friends went back for second helpings!” 

I have included the recipes from my Friendsgiving lunch.  With the exception of the turkey and gravy, all side dishes can be made ahead and frozen.   Be sure to try my Savory Squash Casserole,  Granny Grace’s Sweet Potato Souffle, Big Mama’s Cornbread Dressing and my beautiful Cranberry Sauce.

Photo Credit:  The Pink Peach

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My mission is to inspire others and motivate myself through stories, recipes, pictures and humor.

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