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Brown Turkey Gravy

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Brown Turkey Gravy
Brown Turkey Gravy

Gravy is the perfect addition to the Thanksgiving meal.  It’s the “glue’ that binds the turkey and dressing together.  It also adds moisture to any food that has inadvertently dried out on the platter (which often happens while waiting for all the guests or side dishes to get ready). This gravy recipe is super easy and adds a great, robust, savory flavor to the meal. Enjoy!

Brown Turkey Gravy
Course: Side Dish
Cuisine: American
Servings: 8
Author: Magnolias & Meltdowns - Kimberly
  • 1 Turkey giblets (neck and liver)
  • 1/4 c Turkey fat and drippings
  • 1/3 c Flour
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • 1 32oz low-sodium chicken broth
  1. Remove the turkey neck and giblets from the turkey cavity and place them in a small saucepan. (The giblets include the gizzard, heart, and liver, and the neck.) 

  2. Cover with broth and bring to a boil for 5 minutes.

  3. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 2 hours (while the turkey is cooking).

  4. In the same roasting pan used to cook the turkey, sprinkle in the flour and whisk until the mixture becomes a paste, also known as a roux.  

  5. Remove and discard the turkey neck and giblets from broth.  

  6. Slowly stir in the broth in the roux while whisking the whole time. 

  7. Whisk and cook the roux over medium-low heat until deep golden brown.

  8. Add pepper.  Allow to cook for several minutes, whisking occasionally.

  9. When the gravy is well mixed and has thickened to the consistency you like, pour into a gravy bowl.

Recipe Notes

The paste you make is called a roux.  It is a mixture of fat and flour to make gravy. If the paste is too thick, add a little more grease (olive oil).  If it is too greasy, sprinkle in more flour.  

Photo Credit:  The Pink Peach

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My mission is to inspire others and motivate myself through stories, recipes, pictures and humor.

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